Michelle Dibblee, Interim Missioner for Equity and Justice
We are excited to announce that Michelle Dibblee will join the diocesan staff as Interim Missioner for Equity and Justice beginning July 9.
Michelle is well known to many in the diocese. As Director of Programs at Washington National Cathedral, Michelle partnered with the Cathedral staff and congregation on events and services furthering racial justice and creation care (2016-2024). In addition to her volunteer efforts with Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid (MSMA), her community work has included leadership in the DC chapter of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), and EDOW’s former Race and Social Justice Task Force. Prior to moving to Washington, DC, she worked with Minnesotans United for All Families and OutFront Minnesota, coordinating organizing efforts for statewide LGBTQ advocacy, including marriage equity. Michelle graduated from Union Theological Seminary in May 2024, earning an M.A. if Religion with a concentration in social ethics.
Michelle shares, ”It is an honor and a blessing to come alongside the people and congregations of EDOW at this time. So much good work is taking place around the diocese—I am eager to join you in this role and look forward to furthering God’s justice in our communities.”
“I’m thrilled that Michelle will serve with us in this capacity,” Bishop Mariann writes. “Her experience and relationships within and around the diocese will be invaluable as we continue our equity and justice initiatives. Michelle will also help us evaluate the position of Missioner for Equity and Justice, created four years as part of our diocesan strategic plan, to ensure that the role continues to be a life-giving asset to the wider diocese.”
Please join us in welcoming Michelle as we all continue to love and serve Jesus and his way of love.