To draw people to Jesus and embody his love for the world by equipping faith communities, promoting spiritual growth, and striving for justice.

Porque Importa La Iglesia

Porque Importa La Iglesia

¿A dónde nos dirigimos en tiempos de cambio y gran incertidumbre en busca de refugio, sabiduría y fuerza? Permítanme sugerirles amablemente que éste es un buen momento para llegar a la iglesia. No te sorprendas cuando otros aparezcan también, buscando, en palabras de Anne Lamott, “lo que hemos encontrado en el mundo, es decir, un camino y un poco de luz para ver”. ¿Cómo podríamos compartir con los demás lo que nosotros mismos necesitamos?

Why Church Matters

Why Church Matters

Where do we turn in times of change and great uncertainty for refuge, wisdom and strength? May I gently suggest that this is a good time to show up in church. Don’t be surprised when others show up, too, searching for, in the words of Anne Lamott, “what we have found in the world, which is to say a path and a little light to see by.” How might we share with others what we ourselves need?

Bishop Mariann’s Diocesan Convention Address 2025

Bishop Mariann’s Diocesan Convention Address 2025

And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20 Again, let me say that it is good to be with you. It is an honor and great responsibility to address you each year at our diocesan-wide gathering of leaders, and I welcome those joining us via...