In the season where God reminds us that all good things are still possible, and in anticipation of the third year of our diocesan strategic plan, I am grateful for the opportunity to reflect with you on the fruitfulness of our efforts in 2021. In the pages of this Annual Report, you will find the story of a diocesan community focused on growth and vitality. A diocese that is drawing people to Jesus and embodying his love for the world by equipping faith communities, promoting spiritual growth and striving for justice.
First I must acknowledge the context of our work, which has not been easy for anyone and especially difficult for some. The constant adjustment to an ever-changing pandemic reality has been challenging. The pastoral care needs within our congregations and the communities we serve remain high. The past two years have shined a spotlight on much that is not in our nation.
Yet within the pain and uncertainty, God is faithful. We have experienced the truth of St. Paul’s words: Faith, hope, and love remain. And the greatest of these is love.
Carefully stewarding our resources and adhering to the path of strategic plan, as a diocese we are facing the challenges before us with clarity of purpose and hearts lightened by one another’s witness.
I give thanks every day for the privilege of being your bishop and serving Christ with you. And I am grateful to share within this report all the good work we have begun in Jesus’ name.
As we turn our collective gaze toward 2022, may God bless and guide us all.
Bishop Mariann
The Rt. Rev. Mariann Edgar Budde Bishop of Washington