Responsible stewardship is an essential practice of the Christian faith. This section provides information related to being good stewards of God’s gifts, including details about parish giving to the diocese, audits that parishes must file each year, and information on investing assets.

Audits & Loans

Each parish within the Diocese of Washington is responsible for submitting audited financial statements to the Bishop of Washington on an annual basis. Audits are usually due by September of each year. Click here to learn more.

Parish Giving to the Diocese

We hear God calling the Episcopal Diocese of Washington–your bishop, your diocesan staff, and each of our congregations–to draw people to Jesus and embody his love for the world by equipping faith communities, promoting spiritual growth, and striving for justice. In order to fulfill that mission, the diocese needs financial support from each congregation. Click here to learn more.

Sustainable and Responsible Investing

Sustainable and responsible investing (SRI) is a type of asset management that reflects social, ethical, and environmental values.

Also known as socially responsible investing, is a type of asset management that reflects social, ethical, and environmental values.

Online Resources

Parish leaders seeking to identify guiding principles for sustainable and responsible investing have a variety of online and print resources to draw upon.

Frequently Asked Questions About SRI