2023 Diocesan Convention

The 128th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington took place on Saturday, January 28, 2023 in person at Washington National Cathedral. Diocesan Convention is the yearly legislative meeting presided over by the bishop and consisting of the clergy of and elected representatives of its congregations. It considers the diocesan budget and other matters regarding the mission and ministry of the diocese.

We will kicked Convention off with an online conversation between Bishop Mariann and Bishop Eugene Taylor Sutton the evening of Friday, January 27. Watch the recording 

Thank you to all attendees and volunteers for helping to make this gathering a success. Together, we are taking our next faithful steps with Jesus. 


Taking the Next Faithful Step: A Conversation with Bishop Eugene Sutton

The Rt. Rev. Eugene Taylor Sutton, Bishop of Maryland, will be our special guest at an online discussion with Bishop Mariann on Friday, January 27 at 7:00 p.m. night before Convention. All are welcome to participate in this Zoom webinar as the bishops engage in a conversation around our Convention theme, “Taking the Next Faithful Step.”

Register for the event

Watch on the diocesan YouTube channel



    • Parking in the Cathedral garage will be free to Convention attendees.
    • Check-in for Convention begins at 8:00 a.m. in the front nave of Washington National Cathedral.
    • Convention will beging at 9:00 a.m. with worship.
    • We encourage attendees to bring a refillable water bottle. The Cathedral has water stations available for when it’s time to top up.
    • Hospitality, including coffee and light snacks will be available throughout the proceedings.
    • Boxed lunches will be provided.
    • We anticipate the proceedings will end mid-afternoon.

Convention Booklet

You may download the convention booklet by clicking here. Among other things, the booklet contains FAQs, maps, Rules of Order, agenda, election and voting data, budget, reports, and resolutions.

Electronic Voting

All clergy and lay delegates should bring a fully charged electronic device (cell phone, tablet or laptop) to Convention, as voting for elected positions will take place electronically.

Safety Protocols

In order to ensure our time together is as risk-free as possible, we will follow several safety protocols for our collective health. Those registered for Convention will be sent specific COVID guidance closer to the day of the event

    • Clergy and lay delegates should be vaccinated and boosted.
    • Masking is optional.
    • Clergy and lay delegates who do not feel well on the day of Convention should remain at home.

Child Care

Child care will not be provided. To help offset the cost of childcare on January 28th, we will reimburse up to $80 per child. Please contact Allen Fitzpatrick for additional information. The Diocese of Washington appreciates the efforts of those caring for young children to attend Diocesan Convention.

Delegates, Alternates, and Updates

Information on being a convention delegate

If you are no longer a member of convention, or know that there have been changes to your delegation, please let us know as soon as possible. You can find forms for updating your Vestry and Convention Delegate elections here: https://edow.org/diocesan-resources/reports/parish-elections/. A list of Delegates and Alternates as of 12/15/2022 can be found here.

If you are a lay member of convention and unable to attend, now is the time to secure an alternate delegate for your parish. Alternates should be certified as soon as possible so that they can be sent RSVP materials. Seating of an Alternate form

Resolutions to Convention

Two resolutions have been submitted for consideration at Convention. As has become our custom, we will hold hearings to provide clergy and lay-delegates the opportunity to hear from the resolution sponsors and share any comments or questions. An invitation to attend both hearings was sent to members of Convention on Wednesday, January 4. All others may view the hearings on the diocesan YouTube channel.

Resolution hearings will take place on Thursday, January 12 (Resolution 1) and Wednesday, January 18 (Resolution 2) at 6:30 p.m.

Guidelines for Speaking to Resolutions at Convention

Resolution 1:

Resolution 1 Toward Reparations in EDOW (English) REVISED 1/25/2023

Resolution 1 Toward Reparations in EDOW (Eng/Spa) PASSED as Amended 1/28/2023

Resolución 1: Hacia el Arrepentimiento y las Reparaciones en la EDOW (Spanish)

Resolution 2:

Resolution 2 On Planting Trees to Celebrate Special Occasions (English) REVISED 1/25/2023

Resolution 2 On Planting Trees to Celebrate Special Occasions (Eng/Spa) Passed as Amended 1/28/2023

Resolución 2: Sobre la Plantación de Árboles para Celebrar Ocasiones Especiales (Spanish)

TEC Resolutions for General Convention

General Convention Resolutions (English/Spanish)

Resolution Writing Guidelines for General Convention (English/Spanish)


Proposed Ammendments to Constitution and Canons Related to the Standing Committee

FAQ’s on Proposed Amendments to Constitution & Canons Related to Standing Committee


Nominees for Elected Office

The following nominees were selected by the regions or were nominated at convention. Results are listed by office.

Clerical Representative to Standing Committee (vote for two)

Clerical Nominee: The Rev. John Graham, St. Stephen and the Incarnation Elected 1/28/2023

My 38 years of ordained ministry have been spent serving small churches. The lives of each have oscillated between survival and renewal. All have counted on the support of the larger church to see them through ups and downs. If elected, I would represent the special witness of smaller churches in the deliberations of the Diocesan Council and the Bishop. I’m also fluent in Spanish, which might help the Council extend its reach.
Personal matters:
I love Sakena McWright, my wife of 40 years, jazz, baseball and time with old friends.





Clerical Nominee: The Rev. Maria Kane, St. Paul’s, Piney Elected 1/28/2023

Maria has served as rector of St. Paul’s, Waldorf, since 2014. She chairs the Diocese’s Human Resources Committee and is finishing her first term on Standing Committee. She has also served on the Diocesan Financial Resources Commission and Campus Ministry Advisory Board. As a historian, Maria has a keen interest in America’s changing religious landscape and how the church can view it as an invitation for creativity and clarity rather than a cause for lament. Maria’s other passions include visioning, worship, and intergenerational formation.







Clerical Nominee: The Rev. Ricardo Shepperd, Atonement ( name withdrawn)

I currently serve as the Rector of Atonement Episcopal Church in South East DC where we are “a Loving Church for a Changing Time”. I have the privilege of serving as the Chair of the Task Force on Black Ministries and on Diocesan Council, my term ending in January 2023. I seek to continue to share my gifts with the diocese as a member of the Standing Committee











Lay Representative to Standing Committee (vote for two)

 Lay Nominee: Kay Pierson, Trinity, DC Elected 1/28/2023

Kay Pierson has served as President of the Standing Committee for three years. At Trinity Church DC, she has been a senior warden, served several terms on the vestry, is a layreader and a member of the choir. She looks forward to being a part of the committee looking to create a “new church” in five areas of the Diocese; as well as participating in discussion on reparations. She actively seeks ways to unite the Diocese, and to bring the ministry of Jesus to everyday life in new ways. She has three children and lives in Maryland.





Lay Nominee: Matt KlausWashington National Cathedral Elected 1/28/2023
(Nominated from the floor)

Clerical Deputies to General Convention (vote for four)

Clerical Nominee: The Rev. Dr. Joan Beilstein, Ascension, Sligo Parish Elected 4th Deputy 1/28/2023

Greetings! I am a lifelong member of the Diocese. I have been a priest for almost 30 years and have served as Rector of Church of the Ascension in Silver Spring for 15 years. I am currently Dean of the Southern Montgomery County Region. I have served as a Deputy to GC four times and served in other diocesan leadership positions. Recently, I’ve felt the Holy Spirit nudging me in the ribs to go to GC again! I am deeply committed to our Church’s future. God needs us to be Jesus’ Way of Love more than ever. It would be my privilege to serve.





Clerical Nominee: The Rev. Yoimel Gonzalez Hernandez, St. Alban’s Elected 1st Deputy 1/28/2023

The Rev. Yoimel González Hernández works as an associate priest at St. Alban´s Episcopal Church and dean of the diocesan Latino Deacon´s School. He collaborates with other diocesan initiatives in communications, translations, and ordinations. Yoimel represented EDOW as an Alternate Deputy at the 80th General Convention (Maryland, 2022), and the Episcopal Church as a delegate to the 11th Assembly of the World Council of Churches (Karlsruhe, Germany, 2022). He is passionate about formation, multicultural ministries, and communications.







Clerical Nominee: The Rev. Glenna Huber, Epiphany, DC Elected 2nd Deputy 1/28/2023

Glenna Huber has served regionally, locally, and in national church events. Locally she has served on the Standing Committee, as an Alternate and Deputy for two General Conventions. Now she has been appointed to an interim committee. It has been a joy for her to serve the Diocese on the National Church level. This upcoming convention would be an opportunity to serve and cast a vote for the next Presiding Bishop. Rev. Huber considers the role a privilege to see how national decisions are implemented on the local level.







Clerical Nominee: The Rev. Greg Syler, Ascension and St. George’s, Resurrection Parish Elected 3rd Deputy 1/28/2023

I’d be honored to serve once again as Deputy to General Convention, as I’ve done at GC in 2015, ’18 and ’22. We have so many strengths in our Diocese of Washington, and I’m grateful to share them with our wider church. I also love the careful, holy (endurance!) work of General Convention processes and committees — all of which is about clarifying our commitment to full inclusion, God’s justice and equity. I am married to Iman, and we have two children: Carter (age 14) and Josiah (born Oct. 2022). I’d be honored to receive your vote.

Lay Deputies to General Convention (vote for four)

Lay Nominee: Mary Neznek, St. Mark’s, DC Elected 3rd Deputy 1/28/2023

St Mark’s Incarceration Justice; Co-chair Environmental Justice; Navajo Nation Committees; Chancel Choir;Holy Land Comm EDOW; Diocese Conv Del; EPF-PIN Church/Gov’t World; Restorative Justice mediator; educator;trauma/behavior disorders: Episcopal Ctr. Children; DCPS; Instructor Cath U.Amer, 40 yr. Floral Altar Guild Wash Cath; AbD:conflict analysis/restorative justice(George Mason U) MEd.( GeoWash U)MA/MSArab Studies/Arabic lit: Georgetown U) writer/editor/Govt Relations Disabilities Advocate Nat. Coalition Amer. Disabilities Act (ADA)




Lay Nominee: Matthew Taylor, St John’s, Lafayette Square Elected 2nd Deputy 1/28/2023

Matthew is currently serving as the lay representative to the Executive Council of the Episcopal Church from Province III. He has previously served as first alternate deputy to the 79th & 80th General Conventions and as the Lay Representative to Diocesan Council. Matthew is a parishioner at St. John’s, Lafayette Square, where he is a Sunday school teacher, member of the tech team, and on the leadership team for the Young Adult group. He is passionate about bringing the church to rising generations. Outside of church, Matthew is an attorney.






Lay Nominee: Anton Vanterpool, St. Alban’s Elected 1st Deputy 1/28/2023

Blessed to serve on Standing Committee for four years. Appointed Secretary in 2020. Worshipping at St Alban’s over 20 years, serving in choir and church school teacher. Continued in both ministries in person and virtual during COVID-19. Diocesan delegate, 2011-2013, diocese volunteer since 2011. Helping people improve their Communications and Leadership skills over 30 years in Toastmasters International. Military veteran who served in choir, organ search committee, church school, rector search committee and vestry as part of six Episcopal parishes. Ecumenical service as online lay reader and greeter for the Kingstowne Communion, a new Methodist Church in Alexandria, VA. Continue to bring critical listening and evaluation skills to the issues our bishop faces.


Lay Nominee: Nathan Brown, St. Paul’s, K Street Elected 4th Deputy 1/28/2023
(Nominated from the floor)

Lay Nominee: Jason Crighton, St. Thomas’, DC
(Nominated from the floor)


Alternate Clerical Deputies to General Convention (vote for four)

Clergy Nominee: The Rev. Susan Fritz, Christ Church, Durham Elected 1st Alternate 1/28/2023

Ordained a deacon in Sept 2018. Serves Christ Church, Durham. Facilitated Sacred Ground circles, End-of-Life Seminar, Alpha group, numerous book and bible studies & team leader for Tending our Soil Initiative. Serves as co-chair for Deacon Council. SO MD rep for Diocese Strategic Planning, Covid-19 fund & an alternate General Convention. Works with area non-profits/schools/veterans. A 44-year Navy vet/Gov’t civilian, holds leadership positions in local non-profits. Strengths: leadership, organization, and finance. Desire to make a difference.




Clergy Nominee: The Rev. David Wacaster, Grace Church, Georgetown Elected 2nd Alternate 1/28/2023
(Nominated from the floor)

Clergy Nominee: The Rev. Dr. Sheila McJilton, St. Columba’s Elected 3rd Alternate 1/28/2023
(Nominated from the floor)

Clergy Nominee: The Rev. Emily Lloyd, St. Peter’s Elected 4th Alternate 1/28/2023
(Nominated from the floor)

Clergy Nominee: The Rev. Ethan Bishop-Henchman, St. Paul’s, K Street
(Nominated from the floor)

Clergy Nominee: The Rev. Joan Crittenden, Christ Church, Port Tobacco
(Nominated from the floor)

Clergy Nominee: The Rev. Christian Lehrer, St. Paul’s, Baden
(Nominated from the floor)


Alternate Lay Deputies to General Convention (vote for four)

Lay Nominee: Erika Gilmore, St. George’s, DC Elected 1st Alternate 1/28/2023

Erika is completing her term on EDOW’s Standing Committee, and looking forward to to further serving the diocese in a new capacity, as Lay Alternate Deputy.
She started in the Diocese as a student at Howard University where she was active in the Anglican student ministry group, AJSA. Joining St. George’s, DC after college, she has been active as a lector, choir member & the now the Jr. Warden.
Erika also serves EDOW on the Resolutions Committee.





Lay Nominee: Cheryl Peterson, Grace Church, Silver Spring Elected 2nd Alternate 1/28/2023
(Nominated from the floor)

Lay Nominee: Andrea Pringle, St. Luke’s, Trinity Parish Elected 3rd Alternate 1/28/2023
(Nominated from the floor)

Lay Nominee: Jason Crighton, S. Thomas’, DC Elected 4th Alternate 1/28/2023
(Nominated from the floor)




At the 127th Diocesan Convention in January 2022, a Task Force on Black Ministries was established to study the revitalization of Black Churches in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington. The Task Force has completed its work, and the Task Force report is available here: Task Force on Black Ministries Report

Diocesan Convention Archives

Here you’ll find the archives of materials from recent Diocesan Conventions. Official records for each year’s convention can be found in the Journal.