Request for Seating of an Alternate Lay Delegate Please indicate which parish you are from:(Required)All Faith, Charlotte HallAll Saints', Chevy ChaseAll Saints', OakleyAll Souls'Ascension & St. George's ChurchesAscension and St. AgnesAscension, GaithersburgAscension, Sligo ParishAtonementCalvary ChurchChrist Church, ChapticoChrist Church, ClintonChrist Church, DurhamChrist Church, GeorgetownChrist Church, KensingtonChrist Church, Port TobaccoChrist Church, RockvilleChrist Church, WashingtonChrist Church, WaysideEpiphany, DCEpiphany, ForestvilleGood ShepherdGrace Church, GeorgetownGrace Church, Silver SpringHoly ComforterHoly CommunionOur Saviour, BrooklandOur Saviour, HillandaleRedeemerSt. Alban'sSt. Andrew's, College ParkSt. Andrew's, LeonardtownSt. Anne'sSt. Augustine'sSt. Barnabas' Church of the DeafSt. Barnabas', LeelandSt. Barnabas', Temple HillsSt. Bartholomew'sSt. Christopher'sSt. Columba'sSt. David'sSt. Dunstan'sSt. FrancisSt. George's, DCSt. George's, Glenn DaleSt. James', Indian HeadSt. James', PotomacSt. John's, Broad CreekSt. John's, GeorgetownSt. John's, Lafayette SquareSt. John's, Mt. RainierSt. John's, Norwood ParishSt. John's, OlneySt. John's, Zion ParishSt. Luke's, BrightonSt. Luke's, DCSt. Luke's, Trinity ParishSt. Margaret'sSt. Mark's, DCSt. Mark's, FairlandSt. Mary MagdaleneSt. Mary'sSt. Matthew'sSt. Michael & All AngelsSt. Monica's and St. James'St. Nicholas' ParishSt. Patrick'sSt. Paul's, BadenSt. Paul's, K StreetSt. Paul's, PineySt. Paul's, Rock CreekSt. Peter'sSt. Philip the EvangelistSt. Philip's, BadenSt. Philip's, LaurelSt. Stephen & the IncarnationSt. Thomas', DCSt. Thomas', P.G. CountySt. Timothy'sTransfigurationTrinity Parish, Newport & HughesvilleTrinity, DCTrinity, St. Mary'sTrinity, Upper MarlboroWashington National CathedralName of LAY DELEGATE to be replaced:(Required) First Last Name of ALTERNATE to be seated:(Required) First Last Alternate's e-mail address: I certify the above-named Lay Delegate will not be able to attend and will be replaced by the abovenamed Alternate Delegate who has been authorized by this parish/mission.(Required) First Last Title of person certifying:E-mail of person certifying: Δ