While all Christians are called to ministry by the Holy Spirit, priests and deacons serve unique roles in the Church and each diocese of The Episocpal Church is given the responsibility to discern and support those called to these ministries.

Here, you will find information about the Diocese of Washington’s ordination process for both priests and deacons, as well as all the documents needed to begin the path of discernment.


The central focus of the discernment process for ordination to the diaconate or priesthood is not whether an individual is called to ministry, since by baptism God has called all of us to minister. Rather, the principal focus of discernment concerns how closely an individual’s gifts and experience match the unique challenges of diaconal and priestly ministry in this time and place.

The diocese needs ordained leaders who will equip our congregations to adapt to new realities, sing the Lord’s song in new lands, and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ in ways that speak to the varied contexts and cultures of our communities. We seek leaders with the skills and capacities to plant new congregations and worshipping communities.

The Commission on Ministry (COM)

The Commission on Ministry is a group of laity and clergy who support the exploration of ministry in the diocese in accordance with the provisions of the Canons of the General Convention of The Episcopal Church.


The Rev. Patricia Alexander (2026)
The Rev. Joan Crittenden (2025)
The Rev. Shawn Evelyn (2026)
The Rev. Debbie Kirk (2026)
The Rev. Linda Mahler (2026)
The Rev. Jim Quigley (2025)


Dora Currea, Chair (2025)
Deborah Brown (2026)
Erica Mitchell (2027)
Michael Sherman (2026)

Diocesan Staff Liaisons to the COM

The Rev. Dr. Robert Phillips, Canon for Leadership Development and Congregational Care
The Ven. Steve Seely, Archdeacon and Diocesan Liturgist
Allen Fitzpatrick, Executive Assistant to the Canons