Christian faith formation in The Episcopal Church is a lifelong journey with Christ, in Christ, and to Christ. At the diocesan level, we support rising generations as they grow in relationship with Jesus Christ and share God’s love with others.

Children & Families

The diocese supports our worshiping communities in their ministry to promote the spiritual growth of children and families by inspiring and equipping formation leaders and providing programmatic resources.

Equipping Formation Leaders

COLLEAGUE NETWORKSConnect with fellow formation professionals in the Diocese of Washington and in Province III of The Episcopal Church as thought partners and collaborators in support of your ministry. Email the diocesan Missioner for Faith Formation to get connected.

RETREATS FOR CHRISTIAN FORMATION LEADERS – Jesus implored his followers to make time for rest and quiet (Mk. 6:31). This is doubly important for formation professionals who support others’ lives of faith. The diocese offers an annual retreat for formation professionals in conjunction with the Forma (Network for Christian Formation for the Episcopal Church) conference held yearly in January. Learn more.

SAFE CHURCH, SAFE COMMUNITIES – Build and sustain healthy relationships in your ministry context by completing The Episcopal Church required Safe Church, Safe Communities certification.

Programmatic Resources

Explore resources and opportunities that support and sustain children and families along the Christian journey.

CURRICULUM – Meaningful Christian formation curriculum can help children and families grow in the knowledge and love of God. Selecting the “best” curriculum whether for the program year, a liturgical season, or Vacation Bible School, depends on your context and goals. When seeking a purposeful curriculum for children and families or to support intergenerational formation, review these guidelines

Summer Camp

Summer camp has the power to change lives, through even one week in a community that loves and supports one another unconditionally. We are therefore proud to partner with the Clagett Center in Frederick, Maryland, which offers rising generations weeklong summer camps centered in belonging and Christian love. For information on program opportunities, read more.


We support Middle and High School youth and their Episcopal communities to nurture flourishing faith in Christ. We facilitate connections, create opportunities, and share resources that foster empowerment of young people in their Christian discipleship.

Connections & Opportunities for Youth

EVENTSEach Fall and Spring youth can come together at the diocesan level through sponsored activities. In the Fall we host a community service event. In the Spring youth are invited to participate in a formation overnight retreat. Learn more

SUMMER CAMP – Summer camp has the power to change lives, through even one week in a community that loves and supports one another unconditionally. We are therefore proud to partner with the Clagett Center in Frederick, Maryland, which offers rising generations weeklong summer camps centered in belonging and Christian love. For information on program opportunities, read more.

Resources For Youth Ministry

CONFIRMATION – In the sacramental rite of confirmation, candidates make a mature public affirmation of their faith, recommit themselves to the responsibilities of their baptism, and receive laying on of hands by a bishop. Are you a leader looking to prepare candidates for confirmation? Review these options for confirmation materials or the confirmation course on our diocesan School for Christian Faith and Leadership to help organize your training.

CURRICULUM – Meaningful Christian formation curriculum can facilitate growth in knowledge and love of God. Selecting the “best” curriculum for the program year or a season depends on your context and goals. When seeking a purposeful curriculum for youth, review these guidelines.

SAFE CHURCH, SAFE COMMUNITIES – Build and sustain healthy relationships with young people context by completing The Episcopal Church required Safe Church, Safe Communities certification.

Young Adults

We support Young Adults in their 20’s and 30’s with opportunities for fellowship and formation. Whether deeply rooted in a local congregation or seeking new community, all young adults are welcome in the Episcopal Diocese of Washington..

Stay Connected

Join our Young Adult Episcopalians Google group to learn about, and share, opportunities for meaningful connection and reflection with others throughout the diocese.


Young Adult Episcopalians have come together for meetups across the city including Compline in the Park, a book event with Bp. Mariann, and community service. Specific offerings occur during Advent and Lent.

Campus Ministries

The local parish is our focal point for university ministry. Our goal is to help our university neighbors grow their faith within the love and nurture of a local parish family.

Congregations Active in University Ministry

Congregational Grants to Support University Ministry

Through funding, resources, and coaching, we seek to support parishes geographically close to college campuses minister with their university neighbors. Congregations interested in campus ministry may apply for a grant of up to $7,500 through the Episcopal Diocese of Washington to support such ministry. Learn about the process for the 2024-2025 academic year. 

For Students

Complete this Google form to be connected with an Episcopal parish close to your college/university. A diocesan staff member will follow up with you after receiving your information.


Stay Connected

Sign up to receive Faith Formation news by email. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for regular updates.


The Rev. Amanda Akes-Cardwell, Missioner for Faith Formation and Development