Ordination to the Priesthood and Transitional Diaconate

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

By the Grace of God and the people consenting The Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde, Bishop of Washington will ordain Antonio Jerome Baxter to the Sacred Order of the Priesthood […]

A Service Toward Repentance

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

A Service Toward Repentance Join us for a liturgy of truth-telling, reckoning, and repentance for the harms done within the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, from the enslavement era through the […]

2025 Diocesan Convention

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

The 130th Convention of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington will take place on Saturday January 25, 2025 at Washington National Cathedral. Diocesan Convention is the yearly legislative meeting presided over by the bishop and consisting of the clergy of and elected representatives of its congregations. It considers the diocesan budget and other matters regarding the […]

Diocesan Confirmation Service

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

The Diocesan Confirmation Service is a liturgical event for individuals to be confirmed or received into The Episcopal Church, or to reaffirm one’s baptismal vows. It is held twice a […]