The Big Sing

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

It’s the second-largest cathedral in the United States and the third-tallest building in Washington, D.C. Now, feel the reverberating acoustics of Washington National Cathedral for yourself with this FREE event! […]

Ordination to the Diaconate

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

By the Grace of God and the people consenting The Right Reverend Mariann Edgar Budde Bishop of Washington will ordain to the Sacred Order of Deacons in Christ’s One Holy […]

All Souls Requiem

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

Each year, the Cathedral offers an intimate service to commemorate all faithful departed. This year’s Requiem Eucharist set to the music of Maurice Duruflé. ASL interpretation is offered for this […]

Event Series Election Prayer Vigil

Election Prayer Vigil

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

Praying for the Nation with the Cathedral As the sacred ground where the nation gathers for prayer at pivotal moments in our life together, the Cathedral will be open for […]

Event Series Election Prayer Vigil

Election Prayer Vigil

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

Praying for the Nation with the Cathedral As the sacred ground where the nation gathers for prayer at pivotal moments in our life together, the Cathedral will be open for […]

Autumn Diocesan Confirmation Service

Washington National Cathedral 3101 Wisconsin Ave NW,, Washington, DC, United States

The Diocesan Confirmation Service is a liturgical event for individuals to be confirmed or received into The Episcopal Church, or to reaffirm one’s baptismal vows. It is held twice a year in the spring and fall at Washington National Cathedral. Individuals seeking to be confirmed, received, or reaffirmed should be in conversation with their parish […]