Deacons work as a link between the Church and the world. They discern people’s needs, hopes, and concerns and empower faith communities to respond. They regularly move between the church and the communities they serve, speaking the truth in love, and encouraging the sacred and broken to enter into relationship with each other.

Deacons are a part of the ordained leadership of The Episcopal Church. They usually serve in a congregational setting and are deployed by the bishop to that congregation, serving under the direct supervision of the rector. In this diocese, the bishop has appointed an archdeacon to oversee the ordination process–which include the discernment process and the formation process–and the community of deacons.

The deacon’s role is usually non-stipendiary but some deacons work for the church in other capacities. Deacons may be retired or still employed in a variety of occupations and they have a passion for justice and those who are in need. They are personally engaged in some ministry of service and have a desire for the church to do likewise.

Under the leadership of Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde, a task force of the Commission on Ministry was created in 2013 to create a process to discern and form deacons in the Diocese of Washington. The first task was to create a statement on the diaconate. This document outlines the call, ministry, and purpose of deacons in this diocese.

The following documents contain information about the ministry of deacons:

Contact: The Ven. Steve Seely, Archdeacon