Telling the Truth about Racism

Following The Episcopal Church’s Way of Love, the Episcopal Diocese of Washington will Tell the Truth about our diocese, churches, and our relationship with racism.

  • Baptismal Promise: Persevere in resisting evil and whenever we fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord.
  • Core Questions: What racial/cultural/ethnic groups are in our church? Who have we excluded or included?
  • Through the School for Christian Faith & Leadership, you are invited to partake in an array of courses that help deepen your commitment to equity and justice.



Reparations is the spiritual and material process to remember, restore, reconcile, and make amends for historical and continuing wrongs against humanity that can never be singularly reducible to monetary terms, but must include a substantial investment and surrender of resources.
— EDOW’s Working Definition of Reparations

The Episcopal Diocese of Washington is committed to bravely uncovering, understanding, reckoning with, and acting to dismantle racism within ourselves, our faith communities, the diocese, and our localities.

Learn more about reparations in the Diocese of Washington.

Sacred Ground Circles

Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity.

The Episcopal Church Racial Justice Audit