Vital Signs of Parish Health

The revitalization of our parishes is a fundamental goal of the Diocese of Washington’s Strategic Plan. In support of that goal, leaders from across the diocese worked together early in 2020 in a deeply collaborative process to identify seven key markers that indicate the relative health of a parish — what we’re calling the Vital Signs of Parish Health.
These vital signs can be used both as a self-diagnostic tool for parishes and as a guide for developing new ministries. They can open thoughtful pathways to apply our creativity and energies when we find ourselves in challenging times. Supporting the Vital Signs are fifteen Metrics of Parish Health — specific measurables which can be used to track the vital signs, helping parish leaders identify, track, and begin to engage areas of parish life that may need attention.

Vital Signs of Parish Health and Metrics

Los Signos Vitales de la Salud Parroquial e Variables
To help parish leadership teams begin engaging with the vital signs and metrics, we’ve developed a guide to frame initial discussions.

Vital Signs and Metrics Discussion Guide

La Guía para la conversación de los Signos Vitales e Variables
Our diocesan staff are happy to partner with parish leaders to engage with the vital signs as part of a church revitalization strategy. The Rev. Dr. Anne-Marie Jeffery, Canon for Congregational Vitality, is available to work with your parish. Email Canon Jeffery
For a more in depth look at the Vital Signs, click here for the re-cap sheets and videos for the Teaching Tuesdays series on the Vital signs offered in April and May of 2021.