School for Christian Faith and Leadership Update for Fall 2024

by | Aug 28, 2024

While school was out for the summer, the School for Christian Faith and Leadership took the time to refresh and augment our online offerings. There’s a new series of short videos on the Baptismal Promises up already, and several more videos to come. Together they will form a complete course for Baptism preparation or a refresher on the Episcopal vision for Christian life. Look for revised Vestry training resources in September, as well as a collection of resources to learn more about areas of Diocesan focus such as reparations, creation care, and refugee response. Other works in progress include resources for learning about the Bible and spiritual practices.

To get a walkthrough of all the School’s online resources, how they are organized, and how to access them, join our September 18 webinar or register to request the recording. In case you missed the webinar on the revised Path of Discipleship resources, you can still catch it here.

If you missed the Annual Giving Toolkit Workshop last weekend, it’s still not too late to access the materials here (including this video from Bishop Mariann) or ask for help here.

Further into fall, we’ll have two more Courageous Discipleship Days: Repurposing Church Property on September 21 and Celebrating Small Church Ministry on October 19. Our second EDOW Being With cohort (already filled) will take place September-November. The School will also be working with the Committee on Diocesan Reparations in advance of Diocesan Convention to make sure that we all have a chance to learn about the Committee’s important work and the decisions that will be before us at Convention.

If you have suggestions for things you’d like to learn more about, or you’d like to talk about offering a course through the School, please contact School Director Anna Olson.