Deacons are a part of the ordained leadership of The Episcopal Church. In 2012, Bishop Mariann Budde ordained the first deacons for the Episcopal Diocese of Washington and called for a task force under the Commission on Ministry to clarify the role of deacons for this diocese. This task force developed a Statement on the Diaconate that serves as the basis for the discernment, formation, and deployment of deacons. In this section we provide detailed information about the role of deacons in this diocese and steps to take for those exploring a call to the diaconate.
We invite you to watch this 5-minute video that includes a segment from an ordination for deacons and remarks from Bishop Mariann.
The Role of a Deacon
Deacons work as a link between the Church and the world. They discern people’s needs, hopes, and concerns and empower faith communities to respond. Learn more about the role of deacons here.
Exploring a Call to the Diaconate
Persons who may feel a call to the diaconate are encouraged to explore the content provided in this section.