Dear Friends of the Diocese of Washington,
With mixed emotions, I write with news that Ms. Joey Rick, canon for congregational vitality, has accepted a new position as chief culture officer of PartnerMD in Richmond, Virginia. Her last day with us will be Friday, September 22.
Like all who love Joey, I am happy that this great opportunity presented itself just as she was sensing the need to live closer to her family in Richmond. But how we will miss her joyful Spirit-filled presence and wise, engaging leadership.
Joey has brought a remarkable range of gifts to her work, beginning with her extensive professional background in organizational development and leadership, and including her deep and mature Christian faith; her boundless energy and her amazing capacity to exude contagious joy wherever her ministry has carried her.
The scope of her work among us is nothing short of breath-taking. Joey has helped more than half of our congregations and their search committees through the clergy transition processes. She has lead highly-customized vestry retreats for many congregations. She helped to conceive, launch and administer the Congregational Growth Grant program. She helped to create the vision and serving as one of the ongoing presenters for the Genesis program for clergy in new calls. She conceived and administered what have become our annual Leadership Learning Days. She provided sound, practical coaching to innumerable lay and clergy leaders across the diocese. In more ways than we will ever know, Joey has tirelessly helped to equip the saints in this diocese in a way that has expanded our capacity, deepened our faith, and sharpened our commitment for Christian service.
We’re working with diocesan leaders to discern our way forward, but the first task is abundantly clear: to thank Joey for all that she has given us and pray God’s blessing upon her and her husband Don, as they embark on this new adventure.
I warmly invite you to an evening prayer service and reception in Joey’s honor on Saturday, September 16, 4 p.m. at St. Columba’s Episcopal Church (map).
At the service, we will present Joey with several gifts, including a EDOW Memory Box that we’d like to fill with your notes of thanks and blessings for her future. If you’d like to send your cards and notes to the diocesan office by September 13, we’ll place the in the box, or you can bring your offering to the service/celebration or mail it to Joey directly.
We want the celebration to be meaningful, with room for laughter and tears. It would be a great help to us if you could let us know you plan to attend, so we can plan accordingly.
I hope to see you on September 16.
Bishop Mariann