Standing left to right: The Rev. Dr. Peter Antoci, Southern Maryland; The Rev. Dana Corsello, DC North; The Rev. Beth O’Callaghan, Montgomery North; The Rev. David Wacaster, Montgomery Central; The Rev. Rondesia Jarrett-Schell, DC Central; The Rev. Linda Kaufman, DC Central; The Rev. Melana Nelson-Amaker, North Prince George’s; The Rev. Andrew Walter, Canon for Strategic Collaboration; The Rev. William Stafford-Whittaker, DC South.
Seated left to right: The Rev. Greg Syler, Southern Maryland; Bishop Mariann; The Rev. Cricket Park, Montgomery South
The gifts he gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for the building up of the body of Christ.
Ephesians 4:11
Episcopal Diocese of Washington, meet your regional deans!
Early in the strategic planning process, we heard a universal desire for a greater diocesan presence in each region of the diocese, people who could help strengthen relationships and foster collaborative efforts between congregations. I’m delighted to announce the appointment of ten regional deans, all passionate about our vision “to be a diocese that draws on the gifts of all God’s people to serve Christ together.” We will commission them for their work at the Diocesan Convention Eucharist on Saturday, January 25th, along with Andrew Walter, Canon for Strategic Collaboration.
As we move into strategic plan implementation, we are convinced that God has already provided within our diocesan community all that we need for our congregations to thrive. Together we will realize the dreams God has placed in our hearts. The deans’ ministry is in service to the spirit of collaboration and shared ministry.
Deans will devote approximately ten hours per month toward convening the clergy and lay leaders of their regions. These gatherings will ensure that every congregation participates in and benefits from our strategic efforts. With stronger relationships among leaders, our congregations, we pray, will see each other as resources for mutual support and collaborative endeavors.
Meeting together for the first time on January 15, they shared why they chose to apply for the position. “At a clergy gathering, I was moved by the depth of our conversation,” said one. “I have organizational skills, and I’d love to share them for the good of all.” Another said, “At our regional discovery session back in the spring, it was as if the needle moved and I felt a different energy. People were willing to talk about what was and was not working, with an openness to new ideas.” “I’d love the work of building bridges,” said a third, “all the while pointing to Jesus.’
Everything we do rests on the foundation of our relationship with Christ and one another. We are blessed with ten regional deans who are passionate about their faith and seasoned in ministry. Please join us in welcoming them to this ministry, and praying for its fruitfulness.