“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
These are the words of hope from God thousands of years ago to a people in exile, yearning to return to home, to the familiar. The continued presence of COVID19 and its variants this summer remind us that we, in some way, continue to live in an unfamiliar time. Yet, we are the people of God called to make a home as we are, called to make plans for the homecoming of our own communities, even amid COVID and other uncertainties.
The School for Christian Faith and Leadership is here with fresh and relevant courses to support you and your communities as you plan your fall for a hope-filled future. Check out these offerings for individuals:
- Become (Explore the baptismal covenant and how to live a baptized life.)
- Confronting Racial Injustice via the Way of Love (Discern how you can dismantle racism)
- The Path Ahead (The spirituality of aging)
You can check out all the School’s offerings for individuals and congregations here.
And there’s more! EDOW staff has been working with Adam Hamilton of the Church of the Resurrection (Leawood, KS) and leaders in The Episcopal Church to create an alternative lectionary for September, the weeks leading up to the November election, based on Micah 6:8.
The hope is that these lessons and prayers will be used to help us speak to one another clearly, yet with kindness and mutual respect when discussing divisive issues. You can download the lectionary here.
A Spanish version and other supporting materials will be shared soon.