SHARE: Invite others to come on the journey with God

As Jesus followers, we are called to be witnesses to the liberating and life-giving love of Jesus. Witnessing to such love is less about recruiting church members, and more about inviting people to a way of life, a lifelong journey of discovering the gift of God’s presence in our lives and in the world and growing more deeply in relationship with God and one another.
If you have experienced the love of Jesus, why not share it with others, inviting them tojoin the journey with God?






I am open to invitations to attend worship and other events in my faith community.

I am open to invitations to name times when I’ve come close to God and God has come close to me.


I enjoy hearing the faith stories of others.

I notice that I have stories of God to share with others.

I feel safe sharing my experiences with God, when the people around me can be trusted

I notice that I can help make my faith community a place that welcomes others.


I am curious about how others’ stories about God are similar and different from mine, including those from different religions, traditions or cultures.

The stories I have to share about God are both changing and growing.


I am confident in naming and sharing God’s presence in my life. 

I recognize that others’ experiences with God don’t need to be like mine to be real.


Resources for Share: Children



I experience invitations by others to try new things in church. 

Through listening to the faith stories of others in the community, I begin to wonder about my own relationship with God.


I have a growing awareness of God’s loving presence in my life and comfort sharing personal faith stories in community.


I recognize a variety of ways people experience God’s loving presence in my life.

I am increasingly curious about the presence of God in my own life and the lives of others.


I am confident in how God has been present in my own life. 

Sharing my faith story comes naturally. 

I find joy in inviting others to a life of faith and help them with their spiritual questions, joys, and concerns.

Resources for Share: Youth



I am open to invitations to attend worship and other events in my faith community.

I begin to notice and name the ways that God is actively present in the world by listening to the faith stories of others and wondering about my relationship with God.


I notice how others experience Jesus’ love.


I enjoy hearing the faith stories of others.

I notice that I have experiences of God to share with others.

I feel safe sharing my experiences with God, when the people around me can be trusted.

I notice that I can help make my faith community a place that welcomes others.


I desire my own relationship with Jesus.


I am increasingly aware of a variety of ways people experience God’s loving presence in life. 

I question my understanding of God’s presence in my life with increased interest in the stories of others. 

I struggle to understand others’ experiences with God when they are different from mine.


I wonder how I’m called to help others cultivate a relationship with Jesus.


I am confident in how God has been present in my own life. 

I recognize that others’ experiences with God don’t need to be like mine to be real.

It is natural for me to share my faith story. 

I find joy in inviting others to a life of faith and help them with their spiritual questions, joys, and concerns.


I know Jesus as my Savior and am eager to share that gift with others.

Resources for Share: Adults