Spring 2022 Congregational Growth Grants Awarded

by | Jul 21, 2022

The Fall Congregational Growth Grants cycle opens on Monday, August 1.

During its June meeting, Diocesan Council awarded 15 Congregational Growth Grants totaling $104,477.00 to parishes in six diocesan regions.

As many of our congregations continue navigating through this phase of the pandemic, it can be difficult to imagine possibilities of what congregational life beyond the pandemic might look like. The Diocese is committed to the revitalization and growth of our congregations, creating fresh expressions of Episcopal worshiping communities, and providing technological resources to support our leaders in executing their initiatives.

This grant cycle, the Congregational Growth Grants committee received predominantly proposals for technology grants that were more specific and modest than in previous years. Proposals that focused on enhancing building visibility, improving website and communications, developing programs for introducing the parish to the community, and investing in children’s and music programming rounded out the committee’s review.

The following are the recipients of the Spring 2022 Congregational Growth Grants by region:

  • Central DC: Church of the Epiphany; Our Saviour, Brookland; St. George’s; and St. Thomas
  • South DC: Christ Church, Washington Parish; St. Timothy’s
  • Central Montgomery County: Good Shepherd; St. Mary Magdalene
  • South Montgomery County: Ascension, Sligo Parish
  • North Prince George’s County: St. John’s, Beltsville; St. Matthew/San Mateo
  • Southern Maryland: All Saints, Oakley Parish; Christ Church, La Plata/Wayside; St. John’s, Broad Creek; and Trinity Upper Marlboro

We encourage you to learn more about the various diocesan grants and scholarships available to parish leaders and hope you consider submitting a Congregational Growth Grant proposal when the fall application cycle opens on Monday, August 1.

Please contact Mildred Reyes, Missioner for Latino/Hispanic Ministries & Diocesan Initiatives with questions about congregational growth grants.