“We need not be paralyzed by our past or our present. We are not slaves to fate but people of faith. Our long-term commitment to racial justice and reconciliation is embedded in our identity as baptized followers of Jesus.”
Presiding Bishop Michael Curry
In The Episcopal Church, we are guided by the vision of becoming Beloved Community – a community focused on persevering in resisting evil, striving for justice and peace among all people, and respecting the dignity of every human being. In this journey, we are called to consider what part we play in perpetuating racism. We are called to ask what part we can play in disrupting and dismantling broken and inequitable systems. We are called to grow our moral imaginations and spread our influence as justice seekers.
This fall, we invite you to take your next faithful step in confronting the realities of racial injustice, examining why racism needs to be addressed, and identifying direct actions you can take by engaging in a small beloved community online yearning to do the same.
Confronting Racial Injustice via the Way of Love is a 7-session course that meets online for 1 ½ hours every two weeks starting on Wednesday, September 14. The course is grounded in the Baptismal Covenant as well as the four-part labyrinth that engages in truth-telling about our churches and race, proclaiming the dream of beloved community, practicing Jesus’ way of healing love, and striving to repair the breach in our churches and communities.
Come and build skills for both inward discernment and outward action. Grow comfortable with answering the question “Why address racial injustice?” Be with each other in moving the Spirit as “people of faith” and not “slaves to fate”.
Dr. Enid J. LaGesse
Dr. Jayne Osgood
Co-leaders of Confronting Racial Justice via the Way of Love
“This is the hour of opportunity; this is the hour of the Church….to strive boldly, through profound labors of readjustment and reconstruction, to establish the Kingdom of God, the kingdom of love, on earth…”
Vida Scudder